Friday, February 14, 2020


Yes that may be a bit dramatic but I'm very excited. First off - I'm sorry for how long it's been but my mental health has been an up and down roller coaster lately, but I'm on an upswing. I can't say this won't happen again, where I go a long span without posting, but hopefully not quite as long.

However, let's get into the really exciting news. My best friend, Brianna, and I started a booktube channel together! You may remember I use to post some videos on my personal channel but Bree and I have been talking about doing something YouTube related together for forever and, well, she came up with this idea and how could I not be on board?

That doesn't mean I won't also be trying to post here more, but I will also be posting when new videos come out (and those posts will also have links to any/all books I talk about, a good way to have everything in one place hopefully). So, without further rambling, here's our introduction video: