Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Out Today (09-04-12)

So I thought I should start spreading the word about books I'm really excited for when they come out, even if I can't post a review of it as of yet for whatever reason. So there aren't all the books that came out today, but these are a few I'm excited for.

Carnival of Souls by Melissa Marr
It's Melissa Marr! Of course I can't wait to read this book. I don't know why I haven't yet, it's right next to me, I've just been in such an awful slump. Anyway, this one sounds amazing and the book trailer makes it sound even better because it looks amazing.

Origin by Jessica Khoury
I'm pretty sure this a debut and the cover was what originally drew me to it, it's just so dramatic, but I'm also just really excited for this. It sounds really good, can't wait to read it.

And, on the first, another book came out that I've been dying to read.

The Dark Unwinding by Sharon Cameron
It sounds so good and the cover makes me think it's has a bit of Steampunk, which I love. So excited for it!

It seems that I'm excited for a lot of things, but can you blame me? They all sounds just so very good. Hopefully I can get back in the swing of reading, but now school has started up again and I've got a lot to do. A lot of reading for school, too.

I hope that your summers were good and full of fun and everything. It's not quite fall yet, but with the start of school, it always feels like it is anyway. Have a fun the rest of the week and hopefully I'll be better at posting here, normally I'm good at getting stuff done when I have a lot of stuff to be doing. For some reason, that works best for me. (NaNoWriMo-style).

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