Monday, March 11, 2013

Reader's Block? Bloggers Block?

I have never gotten writers block, not really, not to a point where I would of considered it 'writers block.' (Knock on wood, that is). But I have an amazing problem with getting in a reading slump so bad I would definitely consider it a reading block. And I could give you reasons, but they all sound kind of silly or stupid, well, to me, at least.

And when I'm in one of these reading slumps, as I have been and still seem to be, I also am in a blogging slump, because then I have nothing to blog about. I bring this up now, because I'm in both, as I'm sure you've noticed. I've been in a reading slump for a while, a long time. Between school and writing, I just haven't been reading (and the February vacation spent in Florida at Disney and the following sickness).

So here I am, trying to think of something to blog about. I've read a few books this year, but - not any that I really have enough to say about (this is probably related to it, too). Anyway, the point is, is that I have been forcing myself to put side aside and read and listen to audiobooks when I can pay attention to them. (I am, actually, currently reading a book about DNA that is completely fascinating and amazing). So that's promising, once again knock on wood, so hopefully there will be some blog posts soon.

I also got a couple Stephen King audiobooks from Audible that were surprisingly not expensive (and I had two credits) and am currently listing to some favorites and such, hoping this will kick me back into reading.

However, this isn't the reason I'm making this blog post. I was actually wondering about if you get reading slumps and how you deal with them or try and snap yourselves out of them? I'd be curious to hear of your antics.

I should go now and try and read something, I guess, I'm a little over halfway through that book on genetics and some others that I could probably actually finish pretty quickly if I could just focus. I hope to be posting more and better quality stuff soon, as soon as I shake myself of this monstrous reading slump.

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