I haven't done a WWW Wednesday in much too long and I have missed it so! Now, I am going to tell you what I have read since the last time we did one of these, but that's not as many books as I would like. This is hosted by MizB at Should be Reading and she asks that you answer 3 questions:

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Vol1 by Laurell K. Hamilton and Others (4/5)
I really like comic book/graphic novel/whatever versions of books, it's intereting to see the story in a new media and I've never regretted reading one. It's so interesting to see what someone else thinks the characters look like, compared to what you visualized. This one was pretty good, too, going to pick up vol. 2 probably very soon (I got it for $5 at Newberry Comics. Bam).
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you'll read next?
Probably too many books, as always.
Recently Finished:
I actually read a couple things I am only going to mention in passing. I read a couple books that might not count as full books to some people but I counted them and I kind of want to review ones picture book or not. A friend of mine may or may not of had a birthday party that included reading things outloud like picture books and the like (be jealous). I read The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, The Wolves in the Walls, and Evelyn, Evelyn which goes with the CD released by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley. All of these were fantastic. And then, I forced myself out of the biggest reading slump that's ever happened to me...
This book was much better then expected, just ignore the crushed velvet and everything will be fine. In all seriousness, though, I did like this book much more then I expected. There were some turns I didn't expect, and don't really feel were explained enough but I've given up on it and just accepted it, also, Djinn, how can you go wrong with them.

The Color of Magic (Discworld #1) by Terry Pratchett (5/5 stars)
I just posted my full review of it here so I don't think I can say much more. To sum it up this is a fantastic first book in the series and it was hilarious and I can't wait to read more.
I've heard so many good things about this book so I didn't really know what to expect but it was pretty good, there were even parts I really liked. It was a short, cute read.J
This series is fantastic, so very hilarious and so good. I loved the characters, the writing, and the plot. It was just so much fun to read! I definitely recommend this series. It's middle-grade, yes, but it's very, very good.
This one was almost better then the first one because we already knew the main cast of characters and I love that. So excited to read the rest of this series.
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner (3/5 stars)
You know how I mentioned that AP Lit course? Both this and the next one are apart of that. This is a short kind of creepy story, but I liked it plenty.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (5/5 stars)
If I could give this one 6/5 stars, I would. This book is fantastic and I loved it. I tweeted and posted on Goodreads the moment I realized that I truly loved this book. And I really did, I really loved some parts of this, well, really I loved this whole book. And the movie is coming out like next week and I am so glad to have read this before seeing it because this book is perfect. I have a lot of feelings about this boom, okay?

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Vol1 by Laurell K. Hamilton and Others (4/5)
I really like comic book/graphic novel/whatever versions of books, it's intereting to see the story in a new media and I've never regretted reading one. It's so interesting to see what someone else thinks the characters look like, compared to what you visualized. This one was pretty good, too, going to pick up vol. 2 probably very soon (I got it for $5 at Newberry Comics. Bam).
Want To Read Next:
I'm currently-reading too many things to have listed up there but I'd also really like to read ThebDiviners by Libba Bray and many, many other books. Hopefully, I'll have the time eventually.