Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hiatus (again) | June 2015

I feel like I was just writing a post like this with a very similar title. It was just February. Life is continuing to just need attention, though, and it's not all bad, most of it at this moment isn't, but I'm trying to pack up all the books I own and move and not be too sad.

And I also just plain haven't really been reading - as seen from my May wrap up and lack of reviews around here - and I'm not sure when my move in date is but it's this month. And I need a good nights sleep, and still have ALL THE BOOKS to pack (I'm way over halfway done now but it still feels like all the books. Also - comics are fucking heavy).

So I think I'll be taking this month off, sadly. Hopefully if my move in date is sooner rather then later I'll be able to sort everything out, see: internet, and be back to you lovely people soon. I'm hopelessly behind on reading blogs, on all the youtubers I watch, on just everything. I'm a tad hopeful I'll be able to at least try and keep up a little, or at least read something.

Here we are again - Hiatus part two, I'll see you soon (end of the month / beginning of January). And I'll still be present on social media because that's easy.

(This is probably going to be a full hiatus, not even weekly updates. And I doubt I'll be reading too much in the coming weeks with moving so it shouldn't be that hard to just put everything into one week).

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