Thursday, March 14, 2013

February Wrap-Up/March TBR

I'm always late with these, aren't I? Well, better late then never, I guess. I think it's because I'm always going 'well, I didn't read much, why do one?' and then my brain goes 'so you have them for the whole year!' which would be nice. So here I am again...

I only read two books in February, but I'll take it instead of none. They were:

  • The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson (5/5)
  • Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words:..... by George Barris (4/5)
Both were good, as you can see. I really wanted to do a full review of The Emperor's Soul because it was fantastic and I feel like not a lot of people will read it, given that I'd never heard of it before, but it was amazing. You can see it's Goodreads page here to judge it for yourself, but it's 100 days of this women trying to make a soul and it's amazing. I was surprised with how rich the world seemed and how in depth it is, because it's not a long book, it only over those 100 days, and it's not even really a full 100.

Now, onto the what I'll be read in March, which has already started. I've already finished a short story (in audiobook form) by Neil Gaiman, which was amazing. I'm also currently reading much too many books, as I normally am. Including, which I hope to finish. The Violinist's Thumb, about DNA, and The Regulator's by Stephen King. I'm about half-way though both, as of when I write this.* The first is amazing and so interesting and the King one is also amazing and since I'm halfway through, I only have the faintest idea what the hell is happening and am loving the ride. I love Stephen King's books and this one is no exception so far, so I'm excited to see where it goes.

*I finished the Violinist's Thumb before this posted and thought I might as well add that, it was amazing. I also started and finished Naked in Death, which was actually pretty good, too. I've already read three books this month! Maybe that reading slump is vanishing? I hope so... (knock on wood).

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