Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dewey's readathon | Update | 12pm - 4pm

Whew, this is going up a little late because I stopped to write down stuff and then decided to just finish the graphic novel I was currently reading before doing this. It was definitely a successful few hours, I didn't do much else but read. I did get a shit ton of that done, though.

Virgil by Steve Orlando, J.D. Faith (started and finished - 104 pages)
Locke and Key, Volume One: Welcome To Lovecraft by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez (started and finished - 168 pages)
All New Hawkeye #4 by Jeff Lemire, Ramon Perez (started and finished - 25 pages)
Locke and Key, Volume Two: Head Games by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez (started and finished - 160 pages)
Locke and Key, Volume Three: Crown of Shadows by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez (started and finished - 152 pages)
Locke and Key, Volume Four: Keys to the Kingdom by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriquez (started - 88 pages)

# of Pages Read: 697

# of Books Read: 4

Time Spent Reading: 2 hours, 50 minutes

Total # Pages Read: 939

Total # Books Read: 5

Total Time Spent Reading: 5 hours, 20 minutes

Whew, I think I need a little break before continuing. Volumes 1 - 3 of Locke and Key were rereads, but rereading them I realized how very little I remembered (so little, holy shit), and it's so damn good. I can't wait to get to volumes five and six after a break, a well deserved break that was a lot of reading back to back. Virgil was fantastic, as well, though - so much good comic reading just happened. I might need a nap or just something not reading, though, maybe I'll save the nap for later


  1. I've been curious about Locke and Key but I'm such a wimp when it comes to visuals--not sure if I should just stick to HIll's written fiction. LOL! enjoy--you're definitely rocking the readathon today!!

    1. It's definitely pretty visually frightening at some points and I'm not someone whose easily scared - so damn good, though, might be worth it (just read it in the day time? with someone in the house?)
      And thank you so much for stopping by!

  2. Wow congratulations, you've gotten a lot of reading done! Whether you nap or keep reading, I hope you are enjoying your readathon!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed yours too!
