Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2016 Reading Resolutions (+ going over 2015)

Last year I did a 2014 reading wrap up and I kind of tried to do the same this year, but honestly it wasn't enough to put into it's own post. And I just didn't have as much to say, because I feel kind of shit about how much reading I got done this year. Yes, it still was quite a bit, but it was nothing like I got done last year.

So we'll do some quick stats and then continue right to my 2015 resolutions.

Graphic Novels/Trades: 46
Manga: 8
Single Issues: 84

General Novels/Novellas/Such - 76

"Adult" (24)
romance/erotica - 14
general fiction - 2
SciFi - 4
Fantasy (all) - 6
Magical Realism - 2
Short Story/General collections - 4
Non-fiction - 4
misc - 2

"Young Adult" (16)
fantasy - 7
contemporary - 9

Middle Grade (everything) - 8

Classics - 2
Poetry - 2
Horror/thriller - 6

That's just kind of sad if you look back at my 2014 reading, I'm really hoping to step my game up in 2016, fall back in love with reading. It's been a incredibly stressful and hard... year, really, the whole year has just been incredibly fucking hard.

Also, I realized how little I reread this year as compared to 2014, and I think that might of been part of it. Rereading tends to kind of make me excited about reading, about everything, since I only reread things I really love or just enjoy in general. That might be the key to 2016 being a good reading year, but it might take time since I've fallen out of the habit.

So - the resolutions. Here, I'm just going to talk about reading resolutions, not even the blogging ones, mostly because I'm still trying to figure those out. I have thought, in the last year, of giving this up. But I just love it, so much, and so I might not get back into a regular posting schedule anytime soon, but I hope to keep posting here.

100 Books (not counting graphic novels/trades/single issues) 

This is really important to me. Don't get me wrong, I love comics and trades and all of that goodness, but they're also easy to read. So, in 2015, when I couldn't focus enough or something - I just reached for a comic of some kind. Which is fine, it kept me reading at least a little, but I'd like to push myself more to read books. Because I have so damn many (more on that in my 2016 challenge post). I'm also, actually, pretty sure I'm going to fail this one, though I read about 140 in 2014.

Catch up on single issues / figure out what I want to read single vs trade

I'm still pretty new to single issues and yet they pile up damn fast. Especially because, even when I was reading I was reading single issues, I was normally just reading one or two. I might have to take a few days here and there and just binge read as many as I can. Kind of contrary to that first one, but I don't want to stop reading single issues or trades, I just also want to be reading books. 

Finish up series

I feel like everyone is always saying this, that I'm always saying this. But I really do need to. Finish the ones I've started, even if it required rereading the first one. And if I don't want to reread the first one, then I am not going to want to reread the series so off the shelves, I've got to get better at that. 

I'd also want to add to buy no books, or even just less books, but every year I have done that it just plain hasn't worked. So I think I'm just going to try and think some things in mind while buying, but I haven't hammered out exactly what those are. 

And that's kind of it, I think, I have two challenges I'm thinking of taking part in - one related to the book buying - but I'm going to make that into a separate post because this one is already long enough and that one shouldn't be too long.

What are your resolutions for 2016? Reading or just general related? I didn't add my general because I knew it'd get very, very long, but it's all pretty normal stuff. Any specific resolutions? Similar to mine?


  1. I'm totally going to try to finish as many series as I can. I've got like 20+ that I actually want to finish. Never mind all of the series I want to start! Lol I really wanted to buy very little books this year, but I may or may not have ordered 15 books from Book Outlet last weekend >__<
    Good luck with all of your goals!

    1. So many series, all the time.
      It's so hard to try and not buy books, I'm planning to go to B&N later and try and be controlled (will probably fail).
