Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bout of Books 10.0: Day Six Wrap-Up

Today was not a good day for me, and I'm mostly okay with that because I've gotten a lot read this week, but - still. I couldn't concentrate at all today, and fell asleep for two hours, it was not good.

There was a Twitter chat, though, which was a ton of fun! And now onto my stats, and it's now officially the last day of the read-a-thon, which is very, very sad. I love read-a-thons and it's sad to see them end. And now I have a ton of books to write reviews for.

Number of books read today: 0

Total number of books read: 8

Books currently-reading:
Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons (startes - 206 pages)

Number of pages read today: 206 pages

Total number of pages read: 2,755

Words Written (today only): 2,646

I didn't get much written at all today because I was feeling so, so burnt out and exhausted all day. I ended up watching the RoosterTeeth live-stream randomly and them doing stupid things for charity. And that actually helped a little.

Anyway - I started Watchmen and got about halfway through it and am really enjoying it so far, but I think my mood is much more funny and happier things at the moment. It's so good, though.

How did you day go? I hope better then mine. And what are you currently reading? 


  1. I had my burnt out day on Thursday. I picked up a book and was just like "no". My head just didn't want to read at all. I think I could have been like that today but instead I did something different and listened to audiobooks all day, so it was new but I still got through books. :) It was fun. You are entitled to a break! Hope you'll finish off strong tomorrow. I'm about to start the 6th Lemon Snicket book on audio.

    1. That's a really good idea, audiobooks. And yesterday was definitely my break day. I hope you're enjoying those Lemony Snicket books. :))

  2. Urg, I still need to write reviews for one or two books from the last readathon :D
    I only read a lot of pages on Saturday because I read Saga Vol. 2 but besides that I didn't get a lot of reading done either.
    You already read 8!! books though, so YAY! :D Would be fun to see how many books we all read together! :D

    1. Me too, actually, on the review front.
      Ooh, Saga - I loved all three volumes, fantastic series. Thanks! I'm quite happy with my reading this read-a-thon. And that would be really cool to see, actually, some way to count all the books read by everyone during the week, I'm sure it'd be tons and tons. :)
