Speaking of books - first, let's do the wrap-up/stats for day seven and then the total for the read-a-thon.
Number of Books Read Today: 4
Pages Read Today: 590
Books (just today):
Locke and Key, Vol 1: Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez (started and finished - 168 pages)
Locke and Key, Vol 2: Head Games by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez (started and finished - 160 pages)
Locke and Key, Vol 3: Crown of Shadows by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez (started and finished - 140 pages)
Once Dead, Twice Shy (Madison Avery #1) by Kim Harrison (finishd - 122 pages)
Words Written (today only): 5,597
Locke and Key - I wish I had the last three volumes in the series, I probably would of read those today, too, if I did. I really, really enjoyed them - the mythology is great and I love these characters so much.
Sunday was definitely a much better reading day then Saturday and sometimes I forget how much I love graphic novels, the art adds so much. And now - onto the read-a-thon totals and all the books I finished, and the ones I started this week but didn't finish.
Total Books Read: 12
Total Pages Read: 3,345

The Ask and the Answer (Chaos Walking #2) by Patrick Ness
The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allen Poe
The Walking Dead: Book Two by Robert Kirkman
Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos (Theodosia Throckmorton #1) by R.L. LaFevers
American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang
All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
Maus l by Art Spiegelman
Maus ll by Art Spiegelman
Locke and Key, Vol 1: Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez
Locke and Key, Vol 2: Head Games by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez
Locke and Key, Vol 3: Crown of Shadows by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez

Books not finished;
Watchmen by Alan Moor, Dave Gibbons (got to page 206, approximately)
The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson (got to page 204)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide #1) by Douglas Adams (got to page 50)
Notes - and final thoughts:
I'm always so sad to see these read-a-thons end - even if I'm also looking forward to watching some TV without guilt (self imposed guilt, but still). I love read-a-thons, and I'm always surpised with how much I get read during them.
This one was a bit of a struggle for me - I had migraines on most of the days and those are exhausting and normally don't go away very easily. However, naps were very helpful (as was my migraine medicine), and hopefully that cluster of migraines is over now.
To talk more about the reading, though, it was a very good week for me. Not quite the most I've read in a Bout of Books (Bout of Books 7.0 was the best, and I have no idea how I did that, I read 4k pages that week), but it was an awesome week.
I hope your week went well. And if you didn't get to read as much because of real life happening - then don't stress about it, you can't stop real life. Remember: flailing, not failing. And there's always the next read-a-thon. Or just the next time you can take a few hours to curl up with a book.
Happy reading!
This is my first one and I'm so sad to see it end as well. It was so much fun, not just reading a TON, but following other's blogs and seeing what they were doing. It was a great time! Here's my The End post.