Monday, July 9, 2012

Online Book Clubs and some other things

I've never been part of a 'real life' book club or group before, but I've learned I really kind of enjoy the two online ones I've kind of been taking part in. I joined them both a couple months ago, but I haven't really gotten into reading the books until this month (time always seems to be an issue). Now, the two groups I'm part of are Sword and Laser and Vaginal Fantasy (I'll explain that name in a paragraph). Also, any links to anything will be at the bottom and if I miss something just tell me in comments.

First, Sword and Laser. This is a SciFi and Fantasy group that has been going now for quite a long time, I'm a bit late to the game, so to speak. But I really like the two people who run it, Veronica and Tom, and they're just so intelligent in talking about the books and it's just a really awesome group. And who doesn't love some SciFi and Fantasy, right?

Now, Vaginal Fantasy. This is a group recently started by Felicia Day and it's basically reading romance, or books with romance (and smut) but with plot. And I've surprisingly liked quite a few of the books they've done. They did, for example, Soulless by Gail Carriger which I read late last year and loved. This group, obviously, gets quite a lot of backlash for the name, but I find it fitting and a bit hilarious. (If you want to know why she picked it, you can check out the first G+ hangout, she talks about it in the beginning. Basically, she's been using the phrase for years).

Now, to the blog. I feel like I write a lot of posts about this blog, but I just haven't found my rhythm yet. Or I do and then it gets all jumbled from some time away at conventions, the only real time I travel. Now, this week, to get me back into thing, I'm going to be posting at least 1 post everyday this week, Monday to Sunday, and they won't all be reviews, but I love to write those other posts just as much, so I hope you like them to. (Tell me below what you'd like to see more of, less of, see at all. Go for it).

And then, after this week of crazy, I will hopefully go to the normal schedule I had, which was a little lenient to begin with. Reviews on Monday, maybe nothing Tuesday, every other Wednesday a WWW Wednesday post, probably nothing thursday, review Friday, nothing Saturday, and a book haul or something Sunday. I might end up posting on the 'nothing' days if I there are a lot of books coming out I read and want to tell you about so you can check them out, too. For instance, this week I was playing catch-up with my 100 book challenge and I've read a lot of books this past week or so.

Now I'm going to end this fairly long post with a goodbye and best wishes. And that I hope you will enjoy my week of posts and my plans for the future. Any comments, suggestions, random facts, please leave in the comment sections.

Sword and Laser
First video episode (I think this is the first one, at least).

Vaginal Fantasy
Felicia's YouTube (where the G+ hangouts are posted)

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