Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day One: BookTube--A--Thon

Day one of this BookTube Read-A-Thon, that I feel like I am kind of cheating on or something as I'm not making videos, but - still, read-a-thon, it's fun. Anyway, my 'announcement' post can be found here, detailing the books I might read and such. And onto the day one stats and thoughts!

Number of books I've finished today: 3

Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (started and finished - 256 pages)
Snow White by Brothers Grimm, illustrated by Camille Rose Garcia (started and finished - 80 pages)
Throttle by Joe Hill and Stephen King (started and finished - 47 pages)
Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey (started - read to page 206)
Judgement in Death by J.D. Robb (started - read to page 52)

Number of pages read today: 641 pages

I ended up getting way more read then I thought with a doctors appointment, writing, and the new Teen Wolf. But I did go to the doctors appointment, write my 2k, and watch/cry over TW and read over 600 pages so, overall, good day!

I don't know how the rest of the week will go, but since I've been in a reading slump since the beginning of the month, this was fantastic. (Also, Ocean at the End of the Lane - so good, go and read it).

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