Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted over at
Breaking the Spine. And it's where people share their most anticipated reads that are to be released.
Cibola Burn (The Expanse #4) by James. S.A. Corey - June 17th
I'm really freaking excited for this book, I just started this series earlier this year, but I'm completely in love with it. It's space opera with horror elements and just
so freaking good. Seriously, check out the first book, Leviathan Wakes,
here is conveniently my review of it.
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis - June 17th

All I know about this is that I like the cover, it's fantasy, and it's LGBT - and that's all I need to know to be totally into it. Also it's a standalone apparently there's a main character whose a person of color, both gender POV, queer ladies, and a/more physically disabled lead? This book just hits a bunch of things that might immediately make me pick up a book. (I don't know how right any of this information is, I just saw it in the top goodreads review, but I'm excited either way).
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