Friday, April 24, 2015

Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon | Tomorrow! (April 25th)

Tomorrow (Saturday, April 25th) is the Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon! Well, most it as it carries into Sunday (24 hours, see). And I'm going to go with how I did it last time in terms of updates. Of course, there's always social medias - twitter, goodreads, instagram - but I'll also be updating here in four hour chunks. In separate posts, mostly so I don't fuck anything up formatting wise. Which is very possible, especially as it gets later and later.

Basically, this post is just a reminder, but it's also kind of a - hey, I'm doing this thing, if you're also doing this thing comment and let know. It's also normally a goal post. I'll probably be posting my stack of what I'll be choosing from the morning of, just because it'll probably change so freaking much.

I say normally, because I don't really have any specific goals for this read-a-thon, I'm going to very low stress route. I'd like to, and always aim to, stay awake as long as I can and read as much as possible. And I'd also like to hop around to as many blogs as I can, hopefully leaving comments in my wake, and hang out in the hashtag on twitter for a little while. It definitely is my favorite part of read-a-thons - talking to everyone.

As to how much I'd like to get read? No idea. I'm still kind of getting back into reading, tentatively, and I'm hopeful that this will give me the last shove I need. I tend to make a giant pile of stuff that'll sit next to me and I'll pick through it as I go. I have a tentative plan to make a book book pile and then a single issue/trade/graphic novel stack and just kind of see how far I can burn through them both. I tend to pick YA, because I just read YA faster, and I've got a pretty good stack of YA contemporaries piling up, so that's one idea. And no shortage of graphic novels and such. I've also got Scibd and Oyster.

So I'm a go for so many books.

So, to wrap it up, what are your plans? Your book stacks? Let me know! Leave a link to your own post, however you want to tell me. Read-a-thons are all about the fun and the reading.

Timezone's start times
Reader Sign Ups


  1. Yup, I'm in for Dewey's. :) I don't make book stacks, but I'm going to aim for 10 books ~ 2 more than Oct. We'll see if that happens. I also decided not to cheer. I tried it in Oct and it's exhausting. I'd like to do it one year where I decide only to cheer and not to read, or not to read much, just to visit tons and tons of people.

    I hope you have lots of fun!

    1. I wish you luck! I think you can do it. Cheering sounds exhausting, I'm unofficial, just commenting on people I follow (unless I get totally dragged into books, then that might not happen).

      Hope you have fun, too! :)

  2. I'm so glad you're participating! This is going to be my first time doing the readathon and I'm SO EXCITED/kind of nervous. My stack may or may not be like 15 books high. Oops. Options are good, right? I'll have one post that I keep updating on my blog, but otherwise I'll just be on twitter a bunch!

    1. Ah, I'm so excited for you, it's so much fun! My stack is pretty much just as big, and I always tend to go outside it, anyway. Options are the best. I will make sure to stop by. :)

  3. I've set aside around three physical books for the read-a-thon but I also have some on my Kindle to choose from. Hoping to finish at least two. We shall see. Happy reading!
    - Abby
