Saturday, November 22, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014 | Week Three

Week three was rough, this whole month has been hard because I'm an idiot and strive for ridiculous goals, but I always find week two and three the hardest. Week two is notorious for being bad, but I always find week three just as bad because for me the end isn't in sight yet, until the very end, maybe, and week four, I know, is going to be ridiculously hard in it's own right, but at least the end is close enough to taste then.

To break it down for you - my accidental goal is 400k, which is 400,000 words. Which means I have to write 100,000 words every week. This is the top I'll probably ever be able to do, and now that I'm so close, I just want to hit it, I want to be able to say - look, I did it. And then sleep for a week. 

I wrote that beginning on day sixteen (maybe?), I believe, trying to just prepare this post a little early so I could have it up on time and blah, blah. And I just gave in on the twentieth. That's not how I feel anymore, and it's not my goal. I don't think I have enough planned out or can physically do it. I'm exhausted and worn down and so burned out that I can barely force myself to finish this post because I just want to stare blankly at something and sleep.

I don't know what I'm going to hit this year, for a goal, but I do want to keep writing. I did take kind of two days off so far, though, just because of exhaustion and burn outness.

I hope your NaNo's are going well - that last week down hill slide should kick in any day now and then it's like you're flying to 50k (or whatever you're goal it). I hope it kicks in for me, if I can find my brain again.

Day Fifteen (207,172)
Day Sixteen (223,603)
Day Seventeen (228,073)
Day Eighteen (242,053)
Day Nineteen (253,150)
Day Twenty (254,264)
Day Twenty One (255,525)

And while I may not have written on the twentieth, I did bleach my hair. And isn't that kind of win? (I've never done it before, I'm surprisingly pleased with how it came out. Do any of you guys do that or have done it? Or had it done? I'm curious).

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